Chamber of Idiots

Friday, October 14, 2005

That's the way, Kuang-tus, that's the way

You know, if I possessed enough courage in life to do whatever I'd always wanted to do, I'd probably be detention-bound for the rest of my life, cos' one of my life-long ambitions has been to stand up and begin lashing out at an unreasonable, yet pitifully unsuspecting, teacher with all the expletives and verbal prowess that I can muster. Sadly, a clearly demarcated line exists between reality and mere imagination, for I have yet to summon that kind of courage. In fact, I doubted that anyone would ever be able to do so, either. Of course, that was before I met Kuang-tus.

Our year head was holding us back after our CTs due to apparent noise-making during philosophy. That was pretty much fine with me. I had nowhere to go after our tests that day anyway, and being held back for 15 minutes or so probably wouldn't hurt.

But 15 minutes would seem too much of a stretch when 2 indians left early after our Lit. Paper, which was right before our HCL paper (er... they don't take Chinese), cleanly (and most conveniently) forgetting our date with YH2. Plus, to lessen the numbers, Hanz left for Science remedial as well, leaving a respectable 34 people in class nonetheless. That was good enough, we presumed.

This wasn't the case, however, with Miss Sim. She completely pwned us by making everyone stay back till every single student was back in class, which was quite impossible if we wanted to go back home by 7. None of us had any feasible way of contacting the 2 indians and hanz, and they'd probably take an hour or two to get to class.

This particular line of logic, of impossiblity, apparently occured to soon-to-be hero Yu Kuangnan. He, as a loyal, outspoken member of the 2B society, started to explain the absence of the 3 students, but it was bad timing, as another student started doing the exact same thing. And for some inexplicable reason I am currently unable to fathom, Miss Sim decided to pick on poor Kuangnan.

What came next was a highly amusing break from the pressure of CTs lying upon our shoulders. To make this anecdote more interesting and accesible, I 've arranged it into a relatively true-to-life dialogue. Enjoy.

Sim: Is that how you speak to a teacher? Talk when another is talking? Raise your hand!
Kuang Nan: I believe this is not class time, and there is no need for me to raise my hand to speak.
Sim: Who do you think I am? I'm your Year Head! I expect respect! How am I supposed to know who to look at when 2 guys are speaking?! Who do you think you are?
Kuang Nan: A student, and as a student I believe I have the responsibiltity to inform you that 2 indians have left the class for they do not take HCL, and that one of our friends has Science remedial.
Sim: So, your class isn't here? Ok, you guys stay back on Monday. I want to see the whole class here, in this classroom. And I want to see you (pointing to Kuang Nan), outside, NOW!

-- Insert resounding applause --

As you can see, Kuang Nan left Miss Sim reeling in his wake, stunning her with sheer cheek and strength of heart. He didn't even get a demerit point! That's pure courage for you, m'lady. Don't look to Braveheart or any of those souped-up, wishy washy sport dramas for tales of bravery and inspiration -- look right here in school. This will remain a legend, engraved in Sec 2B history for all eternity.

And even if it doesn't, and dissolves into nothingness and void in time to come, let's just say it was comic relief for the stressed out soul, no?

Yea, that's the way, Kuang-tus, that's the way


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